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Swanstar Essences Testimonials


Genai's all-natural, fragrance-free, alcohol-free, and chemical-free line of vibrational essences from flowers, sacred sites, and Spirit have wonderful user reviews from:

Reviews from Individuals and Families
Individuals Families

My 11-year-old triplets have enjoyed the essences you chose for them. My daughter says the essences gave her energy, and a good feeling, which she had never felt before. One of my sons says the Kuan Yin Essence made him feel balanced. My other son says they helped him feel calm, energized, and smarter.
- Gina W., R.N., Naples, Florida 

Sleepwell Mist is amazing. With just a few sprays around my body and my bed I enjoy deep, restful sleep. It has been more effective than prescribed sleep medication I have used in the past.”

- A. S., Naples, Florida 

My knees have been stiff and painful for about eight or nine months. Your Thousand Petals Organic Cream for pain relief has done wonders for them. I apply the salve morning and evening and have been able to walk and stand without pain most of the tme. Thank you!

- J. R., Hinckley, Minnesota 

I gave a bottle of your Power to Change Mist for addiction recovery to my son. He called it my 'voodoo' and said 'that stuff doesn't work.' I saw him a few weeks ago. He asked me for another bottle. He said it makes him feel less angry and has cut the I will need to get another bottle, or more!! Just wanted to share that with you and thank you for the work that you do.

- P. D., Naples, Florida 

“I am glad that I tried the Clear Being Aura Mist because it has helped me. I felt spiritually lighter and more positive since that day.

- J. A., Naples, Florida 

“The Star Water Lily Essence is for people who need peace in their lives. It works! It worked for me and my family.” 

- Patti Knowlton, Texas


“My work with Genai and the Empress Tree Essence that she intuitively guided me to take was transformational. It opened my heart and energy in such a profound way that my ability to give and receive love in relationships and life's work has expanded.” 

- Patricia Varley, Naples, FL


"Since I started using your essences, a process of clearing followed by positive change has really kicked into gear." 

- Mary Akamatsu, Florida


“I just love the Safe & Sound Essence Formula. I take it before bedtime and it helps me fall asleep.” 

- Lilah Carson, Naples, FL


“I used the Safe & Sound Essence Formula when I went back to see my family-a difficult trip. You should call it Safe & Sound Happy Drops! I would take the drops and realize a short time later that my whole attitude had changed and that I was as happy as a lark. It helped greatly while I was in California. I was and am grateful for the 'Happy Drops.'” 

- G. Handy, Bonita Springs, FL


“Thank you for sending the Shaman's Secret Shield Oil. I don't know if you know this by now, but I really love it and it works beautifully. Thank you.” 

- V. Q., Revere, MA


“I met you in Asheville, NC & you gave me the wonderful Hawaiian drops (Waialua Falls) that came from the waterfall of the Kings. I just wanted to write & tell you that they were really wonderful. I took them for the 30 days you told me to, and they are so beautiful & subtle, but powerfully changed my perspective about many things. Thanks so much!!” 

- S. S., Asheville, NC


“Using Shaman’s Secret has made a profound change in my personal life. I live with an active alcoholic and an aged parent. The negativity in the house was palpable and distressing. I bought Shaman’s Secret Shield Oil with little hope that it would make any difference. Boy, was I wrong! I now feel protected against any negative energy that comes my way and can remain positive and in my own space almost all of the time. It is as if there is a barrier in front of me to deflect anything that is not positive energy. Because I no longer am affected by my family’s negative energy, I can project my energy, and positive is now the dominant tone in the house, affecting the attitude of all. Shaman’s Secret gives me the same protection out in public. Thank you, Genai.” 

- E. B., Southwest Florida


“I have been using your Swanstar Essences Shaman’s Secret Shield oil for a couple of months now every day. I feel like this allows me to decipher what is mine and what I am feeling from others. Since I am able to know when things I am feeling are not mine, I feel like this has allowed me to understand others better and react appropriately. I work in a corporate environment for a relatively large company and the environment is very stressful. I really feel like this has helped me stay centered so I can function optimally. I am very appreciative that this tool has been developed and is available to me right now. Thank you for sharing this! I will be ordering more of this oil but I have one question. Can I get a bigger bottle?” 

- K. R., Dallas, TX


“You gave me the wonderful Hawaiian drops that came from Wailua Falls, Kauai. I just wanted to write & tell you that they were really wonderful. I took them for the 30 days you told me to, and they are so beautiful & subtle, but powerfully changed my perspective about many things.” 

- S. T., Asheville, N.C.


“I have had difficulty with irregular menstruation my whole life. My cycle completely stopped a couple of years ago. Within a week of using Clear Being Aura Mist my cycle started, my energy is different--more lively, It also helped my husband with anxiety.” 

- M. P., Milton, FL


“In the last week I have graduated from nutrition school, trained in public speaking, and found a publisher for my book for young families about nutrition and healthy eating. Do you remember the custom essence that you made for me the last time that we were together? You wrote on the bottle "The Road to Perfection - Putting your perfection on the street." I am almost finished with the bottle, and it has helped me to do just that!! I am very blessed to have you in my life!!” 

- Jeannine Hedberg, Naples, FL


“After using my custom blend Swanstar Essence for the recommended 23 days, I felt more comfortable in my skin, more grounded, and better connected to Source. I then re-read the printout of the essence's healing properties and confirmed the following: increased self-love and acceptance, inner peace and stillness, and the ability to shield the needs and feelings of others. Upon further reflection, I realized that I have been able to stay in my center and keep my vibration at a high level, even when in the presence of discordant energy. What a priceless gift!”

- M. R., Southwest FL


"I wanted you to know that as soon as I started the menopause formula (a custom blend) again the hot flashes immediately went away, I have more energy and I sleep through the night again."

- B. H., Naples, FL


“I have recently been having difficulty with waking up in the early AM (4-5 o’clock) and not being able to get back to sleep. I have used your Sleepwell Mist after I lay there for l5 minutes or more, unable to fall back asleep. Every time this has happened, I have fallen back asleep WITHIN 5 MINUTES of using the spray! I have also tried spraying Sleepwell BEFORE I go to sleep on some nights—when I do that, I don’t even wake up in the middle of the night! Sleepwell has earned a permanent place on my bedside table!” 

- G. W., Naples, FL


“I have been using Sleepwell Mist recently. It allows me to get a full night’s deep sleep, as well as wake up feeling refreshed!” 

- M. W., Naples, FL


“I used the Swanstar Essences “River of Life” lymph cleanse mist after one lymph massage session, about 4 times a day for three weeks. I had clearings (small pimples) on the cartilage of my ears and the eyelids. I had a dark mark, like a bruise, appear on my gums. Also my body odor changed and was very different and strong for several days, and my breasts became tender near my underarms for several days. My energy slowly but steadily increased. Seems like it worked to me!” 

- L. V., Lynchburg, VA


"Two days after receiving a Shingles Vaccine the shot site was still itchy and slightly swollen and uncomfortable. I placed a few drops of your Safe and Sound Stress Kit on the site and within a few minutes the itching went away and the swelling went down. Then I added Thousand Petals Organic Cream for pain relief and felt really comfortable... And more swelling went down. The area was almost normal within 1/2 hour of using these products!" 

- M. A., Naples, FL


"I have been using your Thousand Petals Organic Cream as an acne aid and facial moisturizer and a hair moisturizer before blow-drying. My skin and hair love it! My skin is smooth, my hair is soft." 

- A. A., Naples, FL


"Your Thousand Petals Organic Cream works and helps my back a lot.”

- R. L., Naples, FL


"Thousand Petals Organic Cream has earned a place in our cupboard. It’s been good for my rotator cuff, as well as post-surgery soreness. We are also using it on my husband’s aching arthritic knees. He says it helps.” 

- D. G., Austin, Texas

Reviews from Healers, Therapists, and Caregivers
Healers Therapists Caregivers

“I am really blown away by the use of the Swanstar Essences and the Clear Being Aura Mist. First the spray is helping clear the counseling rooms I am working in extremely well. I work in a counseling agency where the session rooms see lots of use, so the energy is often dense and heavy. So being able to clear a room when I use it is REALLY important for my work.”

- A. C., Portland, Oregon 

"I bought a whole set of Swanstar Essences when Genai first came to town. I use them for myself and my clients before all sessions that I do. There are so many wonderful vibrations that I always have the perfect one for any situation. Not only do they noticeably assist with physical and energetic healing, they also make a huge difference in mental and emotional processes. I have come to depend on them as a vital part of moving and transforming energy. They assist in calming, opening, releasing, allowing and much, much more. I was doing some work out of town one time and forgot the essences. I spent about 25 - 30% more time assisting my clients in their healing. I absolutely attribute the extra time to not having the essences. They literally make my work flow more easily. My healing work begins on the outside and moves deeper inside while the essences start on the inside and move outward. I feel that is what makes everything so much smoother and easier--when the two vibrations meet, their energy can't help but be moved! 


"Genai is an extremely knowledgeable, wise and compassionate being. She is providing an immensely powerful tool to assist healing and I can't say enough good things about her or her products. I have been in the spiritual/esoteric circle for a while and I have had the opportunity to meet many practicing healers and teachers. Genai is a real inspiration who walks her talks and shines with pure clarity, wisdom and love. I feel she is a true master." 

- Christy Adams, Ft. Myers, FL


“Genai, I wanted to let you know that I am really blown away by the use of the Swanstar Essences and the Clear Being Aura Mist. First the spray is helping clear the counseling rooms I am working in extremely well. I work in a counseling agency where the session rooms see lots of use, so the energy is often dense and heavy. So being able to clear a room when I use it is REALLY important for my work. Also in personal use I feel like it is helping me move energy through my chakras a lot better throughout the day, and is the perfect quickie re-balancer between sessions. I feel like the total combination of four essences that you helped me find, is right on. I usually use muscle testing to determine which, when and how much. The one I think I have used most is Empress Tree but It helps me align with my work in a much clearer, calmer way. As soon as I started using them, challenges with my work started to smooth out and with continued use, I found I could more calmly handle perplexing situations as they came up. Additionally, I have been feeling like I can access more of what excites me about life and my work than I had been able to, and in general, I am feeling more calm during stressful events. THANKS GENAI!” 

- A. C., Portland, OR


“Using Shaman’s Secret has made a profound change in my personal life. I live with an active alcoholic and an aged parent. The negativity in the house was palpable and distressing. I bought Shaman’s Secret Shield Oil with little hope that it would make any difference. Boy, was I wrong! I now feel protected against any negative energy that comes my way and can remain positive and in my own space almost all of the time. It is as if there is a barrier in front of me to deflect anything that is not positive energy. Because I no longer am affected by my family’s negative energy, I can project my energy, and positive is now the dominant tone in the house, affecting the attitude of all. Shaman’s Secret gives me the same protection out in public. Thank you, Genai.” 

- E. B., Southwest Florida

Pet Owners
Reviews from Pet Owners

A friend has a dog that goes out of her mind with fear during thunder and lightening storms, which of course around here are frequent. I gave her the Safe & Sound and she calmed down. She is so much better during thunderstorms after a dose, she doesn’t rip things up or try to hide. Remarkable!

- Gina Handy, Bonita Springs, FL 

“We adopted a middle aged dog who was traumatized... This dog was very "mopey" upon moving into our house. I used Swanstar Essences "Pink Lotus" and Chalice Well Water Essence. In a few hours he was playing with us and perky. It was a miracle.” 

- Mary Akamatsu, Florida 

“We adopted a middle aged dog who was traumatized by first his owner's death, then the owner's wife being placed in assisted living, and then temporarily being placed with the daughter. This dog was very "mopey" upon moving into our house. We knew he was very sad and hurting. I used Swanstar Essences "Pink Lotus" and Chalice Well Water Essence. In a few hours he was playing with us and perky. It was a miracle.” 

- Mary Akamatsu, Florida


“I was thinking about getting back to you today about your custom flower essence blend. Jamie, my horse, is doing well, thank you and I think the break from jumping was probably good for both of us. The title, "walk with confidence" is perfect for both of us. I would spray it on him and then on myself. I believe it really helped. Once again you saved my summer by giving me peace of mind....many, many thanks!!!” 

- J. V. S., Corvallis, OR


“My cat, Bucky, has had a spot on his back where a vertebra has been out of alignment. I have tried over the last year to help him with this, because it causes him some pain. I have used pressure points and other methods to no avail. Two weeks ago you suggested using Chalice Well essence for this problem. I have been putting the Chalice Well drops on Bucky's back faithfully every day. His spine is aligning and the "glitch" or zigzag in his back is now imperceptible. I consider this a small miracle! Also Bucky likes your essences because they are not in alcohol. He winces with alcohol based products.” 

- Barbara Roberts, LMT, Naples, FL


“I just did Machaelle Small-Wright’s (Perelandra Essences) post-death flower essence process for the 2nd time after my cat, Babka, died. The essence he wanted was your Magenta Water Lily from Zilker beautiful! It was also the essence I got to stabilize me before continuing in the process with him. Thank you!” 

- Bonney Whittington, Patagonia, AZ


“I have been using Swanstar Essences from the day I became aware of them, they have changed my life in both powerful and subtle ways. I am so excited and pleased about the results of using Swanstar Essences not only for myself but also for my pets. My three year old Jack Russell terrier, Molly, had become a rather grumpy and crabby recently. After veterinarian visits to assure she was not injured, I thought it was “just her personality”. Genai was able to determine the problem rather rapidly and I gave her the correct Swanstar Essences in her water bowl each day. Within a week, she was already exhibiting a “kind and gentle” demeanor and the love came back into her eyes and face again. I am truly astounded and very thankful and happy to Ellen and her work.” 

- Carolyn M. Blakemore, Naples, FL


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